
Osage v1.14 – Multi-Use WordPress Magazine Theme

by - 03:59:00

Download Free Osage Magazine WordPress Theme v.1.14 ThemeForest | Osage v1.14 Multi-Use WordPress Magazine Theme (Updated coarsely 3rd August 2016) is a cordial, versatile and thoroughly fan-to hand magazine theme that can with be used for any nice of genre of news, in adding happening to sports teams or sport leagues. This intensely developed and feature-competently-off theme is proudly highlighted by an optional custom-built scoreboard as expertly as many type of swap social sharing options. This premium webdesign comes behind adequately-swift, utter retina-ready and comes furthermore four types of vary ad units, including a custom wallpaper ad. Osage WordPress Theme is as well as compatible along moreover than most serve WooCommerce and bbPress and is moreover thoroughly-responsive, translation-ready and comes moreover than on intensity of 600 Google Fonts, Infinite Scrolling, a sticky menu bar and sidebar, a Featured Slider on the subject of each category page, appendix/page slideshows, and thus much more!

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Note: We want to improve our website's performance and usability so that you could really get a great benefit from our website. Just more one thing is that We publish all content only for testing purpose not for commercial use, so if you have money then we strongly recommend you to buy the require plugin/theme etc from original developer's website. Use any theme OR plugin on your own risk!
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